• Welcoming the NBA back to Seattle.

    Celebrating our city and team at every opportunity.

    Showcasing our region, its fans and our shared community values.

    Unifying Seattle to maximize positive impact on our region.

  • Seattle NBA Fans is a volunteer coalition dedicated to supporting the return of the NBA to Seattle, the nation’s 14th largest media market.

    We are fans and community leaders representing a wide range of interests that benefit from a strong sports culture and economy.

    Our organization will foster greater participation and enthusiasm for NBA expansion using social media, strategic branding, viral media initiatives, and networking events,

    We are passionate about our region and committed to its growth and success.

  • We encourage you to join other local businesses in our “Be a Part of It!” campaign, increasing excitement and public engagement around the potential return of the Sonics.

    Our goal is to provide Seattle businesses, fans, and leaders with the opportunity to rally together, showcase our city, and make the most of this historic moment for our region.

    Participation may include:

    Public and Special Invitation Events

    Development and Participation in Coordinated Viral Media Initiatives

    Content Creation and Distribution

    Donations or In-Kind Contributions

More Info:

  • "We hope to wrap [our media deals] up in the relatively near term, and then we will turn to expansion." Adam Silver told the media on June 6. "But by turning to expansion, it doesn’t mean we’re going to announce that now we’re ready to add teams. This means there will be a committee of NBA governors to focus on."

    "This is an exercise in patience for both us and the fans because we’re all really excited for what could be.” Kraken owner Samantha Holloway told Bloomberg News in response.

    We do not yet know what the league’s expansion process or timeline will look like.

    AFTER a formal process is announced, we plan to broaden our engagement with the public by utilizing social media, creating dynamic content, strategic branding, viral media initiatives, and networking events to amplify our message.

  • We encourage participation because advocacy is fun, personally rewarding, and beneficial for the region.

    We know that some contributions can only occur at a GRASS ROOTS LEVEL, and that we get BETTER results for our youth and community when we work TOGETHER.

  • Fans and the general public can join our team to receive updates and invitation to fun public events and experiences.

    Ambassadors are invited to join our advisory committee, receiving confidential updates, and invitations to private events with other coalition partners. Ambassadors may be listed publicly or contacted regarding additional voluntary support.

    BE A PART OF IT! Campaign members have chosen to participate more actively. Learn more about this initiative HERE.

  • We’re posing these QUESTIONS in hopes that TOGETHER we can find the best answers.

    What is the BEST CASE SCENARIO for the Sonics return?

    How much is possible?

    How much joy can we bring?

    How much unity can we foster?

    What else can we accomplish on the way to the greatest franchise launch EVER?

    How can we MAXIMIZE the positive impact of expansion on youth and community?

  • You can join our team by:

    Replying to an invitation email or submitting the quick enrollment form below.

    Being a member of the Advisory Committee will not require a significant time commitment. By joining, you’ll add your name to the roster of prominent community members dedicated to ensuring a successful franchise launch and maximizing the positive impacts of expansion on our youth and community.